Brussels AOC is an Airline Operators Committee that supports and represents the airline community at Brussels Airport
The Brussels Airport Airline Operators Committee (AOC) is an association of airline companies operating fixed or regular services to, from or via Brussels Airport. This in in conformity with the “Guidelines for the establishment of Airline Operators Committee” recommended by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
To facilitate airport operations pertaining to the clearance and handling of passengers, crews, baggage, cargo and aircraft, Members shall establish Airline Operators Committees (AOCs) at all international airports.
At airports served by both A4A and IATA Members, they shall form a single AOC.
The AOC shall dedicate attentive consideration particularly to:
In general terms AOCs cover day-to-day short term operational matters while ACCs cover medium to long-term strategic development matters.
See IATA Airport Development Reference Manual.
The purpose of the AOC is to provide opportunities for dialogue, education, advancement and improvement of all aspects of the airport operations through meetings, seminars, communications, publications, and other programmes and activities.
The deliberations of the AOC shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
All major Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) programmes will have an impact on the level of airport charges and should be reported to the IATA Regional Head, Airport, Passenger & Cargo Services (APCS) and to the IATA Director Airport, Infrastructure and Fuel (in APCS). IATA will coordinate with the relevant Member airline representatives and arrange formal consultations with the airport where appropriate.
Similarly, the AOC should inform the IATA Director Airport, Infrastructure and Fuel (in APCS) of all proposed changes to the level of structure of airport charges. IATA will co-ordinate with the relvant Member airline representatives and arrange formal consultations with the airport where appropriate.
The AOC shall check to ensure that the airport authority produces a regularly updated Airport Master Plan, a short to medium term development programme and a resultant 10-year rolling CAPEX programme.
The AOC shall properly liaise with the local Baggage Committee, and with any other special committee that may be established by resolution of one of the acknowledged airline associations.
(alternative for airports where no LBC exist) The AOC shall assume responsibilities of LBCs, as defined in IATA Resolution 744, as well as those of any other special committee that may be established by resolution of one of the acknowledged airline associations.
The AOC may establish, as deemed necessary, permanent or ad hoc sub-committees, task forces or working groups to develop or carry out particular themes at expert level, e.g. an Airport Consultative Committee (ACC) or local CUTE working group.
The AOC shall make recommendations for corrective actions whenever substandard performances are identified.
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Katarina Stecklova
Patrick Hereng
Nadia Chikaoui
Philippe Paraskeva
Olga Pavlyukova
Carmelina Sarro
Airline Operators Committee VZW
Brussels Airport 1 – 1930 Zaventem
Website by sndrs